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Consumer Health: Time for a regulatory re-think?

Consumer Health: Time for a regulatory re-think?

26 May 20161 minute read

Consumer Health: time for a regulatory re-think? is a report by RB in association with Proprietary Association of Great Britain (PAGB), independently written by the Economist Intelligence Unit. It looks at the changing healthcare environment, the role of self-care and an important barrier to improved access to consumer health: an inconsistent and fragmented policy and regulatory environment.

Consumer Health: time for a regulatory re-think? is a report by RB in association with Proprietary Association of Great Britain (PAGB), independently written by the Economist Intelligence Unit. It looks at the changing healthcare environment, the role of self-care and an important barrier to improved access to consumer health: an inconsistent and fragmented policy and regulatory environment.

The report, released today, raises some important questions and talks about how we can empower consumers to live healthier lives by recognising the vital role of self-care and self-medication with over-the-counter products.

Download the full report here.
