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Our commitment to customers & consumers in response to Covid-19

As an organisation committed to the relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world, it is imperative that we protect all consumers.

14 Apr 20202 minute read

As an organisation committed to the relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world, it is imperative that we protect all consumers. Each of us needs to play our part to act responsibly to protect our families and colleagues from the spread of COVID-19.

As the makers of Lysol, Dettol and Sagrotan, we have a responsibility to ensure access to safe and affordable products during outbreaks such as COVID-19. Access means information, education, behavioural change, availability, solutions and our brands convening conversations that can help people.

As we face unprecedented demand for hand sanitiser, wipes, soap and other disinfectant products, we are 100% committed to maximising supply and production to ensure access and availability for consumers, especially to meet the strong and urgent need for sanitising and germ-kill products. Our teams are working hard to ensure that we help consumers with credible information, supporting efforts with government and doing everything we can to increase supply to our customers. We are also working hard to ensure availability of our OTC portfolio of fever reducing and other cold and flu remedies, so that they are widely available in times beyond the traditional flu season.

That commitment extends to our view on pricing. Our recommended retail pricing has not changed as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak and, whilst pricing remains at the sole discretion of the retailer, we believe our customers should be treated the same way they were before the COVID-19 outbreak.

We continue to be in close contact with our customers to respond to evolving needs, meet the significant global demand and provide access to affordable products to all our consumers.  This is our pledge to customers and consumers.