We believe access to high quality hygiene, health and nutrition is a universal right. A key part of that commitment is helping to ensure that mothers, infants and children across the globe have access to the best possible nutrition and healthcare.
Giving the next generation the best possible start
We’re constantly working to improve the nutritional composition of our products for infants and young children, and are committed to following – and promoting – World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations for marketing practices that support a mother’s choice and ability to breastfeed her infant.
Guided by the UN Sustainability Goals (SDGs), we’re also working with partners around the world, across industry, government and civil society, to support health and wellness programmes that improve mothers’ access to care and nutrition, both during and after pregnancy.
investment across all initiatives
mothers with better access to care
US mothers in our programmes who would have no other access to care with Reckitt's intervention
Policies and commitments
We have developed a range of pledges and procedures, to ensure that we develop and market our infant and child nutrition products in a way that is both ethical and responsible.

We pledge to help fight infant and child malnourishment and undernutrition, and to respect and support the recommendations of the WHO Code of 1981.
Read our pledge