We believe good sex is for everyone
Let’s worry less about how sex should look and celebrate how it can feel. We believe in sex that’s open, honest, messy and fun. We believe that a fun and safe sex life should be everyone’s to enjoy, no matter who you are or who you’re with. We believe in recognizing the problem, and fighting to fix them. Sex that feels good – and does good.
No. 1
Condom brand worldwide
We exceed world quality standards
Durex is the first condom brand to adopt a Global “quality seal” as standard
What's happening at Durex
We're redefining what sex education looks like
VICE and Durex have the opportunity to radically change the way young people learn about sex by creating a new syllabus for the next generation, challenging the preconceived notions of conventional sex ed.
The latest advertising from Durex
Challenge the norms, break the rules & stamp out stigmas. Have the sex you want with who you want, wherever & whenever. Good sex for all.